Exercise 4 - Guessing Games

Andrew Valentine, Louis Moresi, louis.moresi@anu.edu.au

➤ Try playing this simple game.

import numpy as np
import sys
import os
import guessingGames as gg
I am thinking of a number between 1 and 10
Make a guess:1
Sorry, try again.
Make a guess:4
Sorry, try again.

➤ Can you write your own version?

A couple of hints to help you:

  • To read input from the keyboard, you can use

x = input(message)

where message is the prompt shown to the user (e.g. ‘Make a guess:’ in gg.guessingGame). Whatever the user types in gets stored in the variable x. Note that x contains a string of characters, even if the user types in a number. You can use int(x) to convert the input to an integer (and float(x) if you want to convert it to a floating-point number).

  • To generate a random integer, you can call the function np.random.randint(lo,hi) where lo is the smallest integer you want to generate, and hi is one greater than the largest integer.

# Try it here!

What happens if the user types something in that isn’t an integer? Can you make your version robust?

➤ Here’s another one to play:


➤ Try writing your own version.

You should be able to use the code you wrote for guessingGame as a starting point.

# Try it here!

➤ Here’s a final one to try.


➤ Can you make your own version?

# Try it here!