Mantle Dynamics EMSC 2022 - Quiz

Mantle Dynamics EMSC 2022 - Quiz#

In this task, you will need to find out some extra information that is not spelled out in the lecture notes. A complete answer to any question needs to cite where the information was found. Be critical of what you find - is the source reputable, and do other sources agree ? If not, maybe you need to look elsewhere.

Q: Viscosity (2)

What is meant by the viscosity of a fluid (1).

What are the units of (dynamic) viscosity (1) ?

Note: There are two different definitions of viscosity: dynamic viscosity which usually has the symbol \(\eta\) or sometimes \(\mu\) and kinematic viscosity which is usually \(\nu\) and is defined as \(\eta/\rho\).

Q: Rayleigh number (4)

Estimate the Rayleigh number of the Earth’s mantle (2).

\[ Ra = \frac{g\rho\alpha\Delta T d^3}{\kappa \eta} \]

Use the following values:

  • Gravity, \(g \approx 10 \mathrm{m/s}^2\) through the mantle

  • Density, \(\rho \approx 3000 \mathrm{kg/m}^3\)

  • Thermal Expansivity, \(\alpha \approx 10^{-5} \mathrm{K}^{-1}\)

  • Temperature drop, \(\Delta T \approx 2000 \mathrm{K}\)

  • Thickness of the mantle, \(d \approx 3000 \mathrm{km}\)

  • Thermal diffusivity, \(\kappa \approx 10^{-7} \mathrm{m}^2 / \mathrm{s}\)

  • Viscosity, \(\eta \approx 10^{22} \textrm{viscosity units (!)}\)

How does this compare to the critical Rayleigh number and what does that tell us about mantle convection (2) ?

Q: Dimensionless Rayleigh number (2)

Show that the units of Rayleigh number disappear.

\[ Ra = \frac{g\rho\alpha\Delta T d^3}{\kappa \eta} \]

Hint: first convert the units of viscosity into units of \(m\), \(kg\), \(s\), using the idea that pressure is force per unit area

Q: Heat Engine (2)

What is meant by the term “Heat Engine” (1) ?

Why is it important to the understanding of geology that the Earth’s mantle is a heat engine (1) ?