

Andrew Valentine

Louis Moresi


In this section we’ll discover how to write functions which allow us to store an algorithm for later use in a similar way to using variables to store values for later use.


A function provides a convenient way to ‘wrap up’ code to accomplish a particular task. Once a function is written, it can (generally) be used without us needing to know anything about how it works. This is a very powerful concept, and complex programs are often made by chaining many functions together.

In general, a function has a well-defined set of inputs (sometimes known as the function’s ‘arguments’) and outputs (sometimes called the ‘return value’). In Python, and most other modern programming languages, a ‘function call’ looks like

output1, output2 = function_name(input1, input2, input3)

We have already encountered a couple of functions: we have used print() and type(). These are known as ‘built-in functions’, as they are a core piece of the Python programming language. For a full list of built-ins, see this page of the official Python documentation. Other functions can be accessed by ‘importing’ them from ‘modules’ - we will learn more about this later.

It is easy to write your own functions. This is done by using the def command, and writing something like:

def function_name(input1, input2, input3):
    [code to compute outputs...]
    return output1,output2

Note that function_name, input1, output1 etc can be any name you wish to use. In general, a function definition comprises: - The keyword def, followed by - The function name, followed by - An opening parenthesis (, followed by - Zero or more input variables, followed by - A closing parenthesis ), followed by - A colon, :

This is all followed by an indented block of code containing zero or more lines of the form - The keyword return, followed by - Zero or more variable names (or valid expressions)

For example

def addThreeNumbers(first, second, third):
    return first + second + third

We can then ‘call’ this function:

a = 3
b = 5
result = addThreeNumbers(a, b, -1)

The variable result should now contain the value 7 (= 3 + 5 - 1).

Create the addThreeNumbers function and try it out

A few things to notice from this example: - When we ‘call’ (use) a function, we can give it both named variables (a and b), and values (-1). - The variable names we pass to the function don’t need to match the variable names used when ‘declaring’ (defining) the function - so we can use a and b instead of first and second. - The return keyword specifies what the function result will be.

Here’s a slightly more complicated example, which calculates the sign and absolute value of the input (unless it is zero):

def signAndValue(x):
    if x == 0:
        print("Unable to handle zero")
    elif x > 0:
        return +1, x
        return -1, -x

    print("Hope that helps !")

Try creating this function and see how it behaves. Some things to think about: - When is the message “Hope that helps !” printed? Why? -

What form does the function result have? What is its type? What about if x has the value 0 ? - What is the role of if/elif/else? (We’ll deal with that question in the next section, but it should be clear enough)

You can call this function in two slightly different ways. The first is to write (for example)

result = signAndValue(x)

and the second is to write

sgn, val = signAndValue(x)

Try both forms. What type does each result have? What happens if x is 0 ? Look again at the function declaration: can you explain this behaviour?

Function arguments

The following function calculates the sum of the integers from n0 to N, inclusive: \(\sum_{n=n_0}^N n\).

def sumIntegers(N, n0):
    result = 0
    for i in range(n0, N+1):
        result += i
    return result

Note that the function definition has the upper-limit, N, as the first input argument, contrary to what one might expect - the reason for this will soon become clear.

It might usually be the case that we want to start our sum at \(n_0 = 1\). Python allows us to provide this as a ‘default’ value for the n0 variable, by simply changing the function declaration:

def sumIntegers(N, n0=1):
    result = 0
    for i in range(n0, N+1):
        result += i
    return result

Now, if we call sumIntegers with only one argument, it is assumed that this is N, and n0 receives its default value. However, if we provide two arguments, these are interpreted as N and n0 respectively.

We can have multiple arguments with default values. For example, we can extend our function to compute \(\sum_{n=n_0}^N n^{\,p}\) for some power \(p\):

def sumIntegers(N, n0=1, p=1):
    result = 0
    for i in range(n0, N+1):
        result += i**p
    return result

If we call this specifying one, two, or three arguments, they are assumed to occur in the same order as in the function declaration (i.e. N, n0, p). However, we can also explicitly specify which arguments we wish to set. For example

result = sumIntegers(10, p=2)

would calculate the sum of squares, leaving n0 set to its default value.

If inputs are not labelled, they are assumed to be provided in the same order as in the function definition. The following function displays the value of each argument: you can use it to check you understand the different ways to call a function.

def printArgs(a, b, c=17, d=4.3):
    print("a is: "+str(a))
    print("b is: "+str(b))
    print("c is: "+str(c))
    print("d is: "+str(d))

Here is the original form of sumIntegers which you can now validate to see if it works as you expected.

Now modify the function to have n0 be an optional argument with a default value. Does this work as you expected ? When would this behaviour be useful ?

Run the printArgs function for these cases:

  • printArgs(1, 2, 3, 4)
  • printArgs(1, 2, 'a', (1,2,3) )
  • printArgs(2, 1, d=4, c=3 )
def printArgs(a, b, c=17, d=4.3):
    print("a is: "+str(a))
    print("b is: "+str(b))
    print("c is: "+str(c))
    print("d is: "+str(d))

Modify the printArgs function to return the type as well as the value of each argument. Does the default definition set the type ?

Note that the printArgs() function above does not contain an explicit return statement. It is an example of a function that has ‘side-effects’: it does something that isn’t apparent from knowledge of its outputs. Sometimes, it is necessary to write code with side-effects, especially for data input or output. However, they are a common source of problems, and they should be avoided where possible.

Scope of variables in functions

When you pass a variable to a function, you effectively create a copy of the information it contains (unless it is a ‘list’ or ‘array’ - more on those in a later exercise!). Changing the variable within the function does not change the value outside the function, unless you pass it back via an output. For example:

def increment(x):
    x += 1
    print("Inside increment, x is now "+str(x))
    return x

x = 0

increment(x) # Notice that we don't do anything with the return value here
print(x)      # x will therefore still be zero
x = increment(x) # This time we are updating the value of x
print(x)      # x will be one.

Try this out, and check you understand what’s going on.

def increment(x):
    x += 1
    print("Inside increment, x is now " + str(x))
    return x

x = 0
increment(x)  # Notice that we don't do anything with the return value here

Try this version of the `increment` function

def increment():
    global x
    x += 1
    print("Inside increment, x is now " + str(x))
    return x

If you leave out the global x then x will be undefined in the function as it does not have access to outside variables.

There is a way to access external (global) variables from within functions. They might be used in this situation:

system_is_setup = False

def setup():
    global system_is_setup
    if system_is_setup == False:
        # Do system setup tasks
        # check system is ok    

Generally speaking, functions using global variables in this way is a poor choice of implementation because some hidden code is modifying the global state without us, as users, being in control or even aware. We do often define variables of this nature when we use python objects that have a special internal (private) state. We will learn about this later.

Function documentation

To allow anyone to use your function without knowing the details, you need to document it. This appears in the code just after the definition of the function (and other python entities too). This step may seem unimportant at first, but is critical for re-using your code and distributing it to other people ! Another way is to just call help(<functionname>) and it will output the documentation.

    Help on built-in function print in module builtins:

    print(\*args, sep=' ', end='\n', file=None, flush=False) 
        Prints the values to a stream, or to sys.stdout by default.
        string inserted between values, default a space.
        string appended after the last value, default a newline.
        a file-like object (stream); defaults to the current sys.stdout.
        whether to forcibly flush the stream.

Documentation is provided by writing ‘docstrings’ at the start of any function you create. These consist of blocks of text enclosed in triple inverted commas:

"""[Documentation goes here...]"""

In scientific Python, docstrings usually follow a certain style, e.g.:

def increment(x):
    """increment x.
    x : integer
        the number you want to increament
    x : integer
        incremented x
    x += 1
    print("Inside increment, x is now "+str(x))
    return x

Check how the documentation string for the increment function works: try changing the documentation to see what happens. Do spaces matter ? Does it matter if the docstring is positioned exactly by the def increment(x): line ?

Now do the same for the sumIntegers function taking care to indicate default values and what they mean.
